CEA (France’s Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission) is a Research and Technology Organisation (RTO) and a full member of EARTO, the European Association of Research and Technology Organisations.

In the knowledge and innovation economy, RTOs have a distinct mission and a key role: they produce, integrate and transfer science and technology to help resolve grand societal challenges and to exploit opportunities for new wealth creation, improved standards of living, preservation and build-up of economic competitiveness. They occupy nodal positions in the structuration of innovation eco-systems in Europe, bringing together key players across the whole innovation chain, from fundamental to technological research, from product and process development to prototyping and demonstration, and forward on to full-scale industrial implementation.

CEA runs 10 research centres and 6 regional technological platforms located all over France, hiring over 16,000 people. According to Reuter’s rankings, CEA became in 2016 the world’s most innovative public research organization. Its core mission is to identify, develop and maturate Key Enabling Technologies from TRL 3 to TRLs 5-7 through public-private partnerships.

Role and main activities in SHIP2FAIR

CEA main role in SHIP2FAIR is related to training and monitoring activities, as they will be in charge of WP2, leading the SHIP2FAIR team alignment and the definition of the project KPIs –task 2.2 and 2.4- and the writing of a best practices guide –task 7.4- and coordinating training activities in the agro-food sector –task 9.3. In addition, due to its expertise in solar collectors, they will be responsible of the algorithm of matching supply and demand on the replication tool development.
