Process: Meat transformation

Site: Castelnau d’Auzan

Country: France

Longitude: 0º05’11’’ E

Latitude: 43º56’57’’ N

GHI: 1285 kWh/m2 @35°

Space opportunities: There are 3,000 m² of free area within the factory area.

Description of the energy scenario

There are two main generation equipment:

  • A boiler that generates steam at 8 bars and 170°C and is regulated by pressure. It is fed with demineralized water at 84º (condensate return).
  • A second heater (hydrogas) that generates hot water at 65°C in 40m3 tanks.

Even if they have not a separate energy meter, the main part of the needs (80%-90%) are estimated to be related to the steam generation. The second heater is used for sanitary hot water production and duck scalding process. The butane consumption is around 37 MWh per working day, supposing around 800MWh per month. The consumption remains quite constant.

Description of the industrial process and current control

The stage of cooking, sterilizing and pasteurizing in the process of candying raw duck meat needs an accurate control of temperature, relative humidity and precise timing. A PLC control, regulate and record every process cycle to meet quality requirements.

Within SHIP2FAIR, a heat exchanger between the demineralized water tank and the boiler to preheat the water up to 140°C will be added in order to integrate the solar heat. In order to optimize the utilization of solar heat, an additional thermal storage tank will be installed. Other potential use of the solar heating could be for the 65°C water generation.

  • Foie gras and duck meat production

Ship project to be implemented

  • Ultra-high vacuum FTP.

  • Heat Transfer Fluid: Water

  • Net Aperture Area: 1568 m²

  • Gross Area: 1600 m²

  • Peak power: 925 kW

  • Gross heat production per year: 1085 MWhth

  • Yearly global efficiency: 50.7%

  • CO2 savings: 63 tons per year

  • Heating cost: 3,25 c€/kWh

  • Expected payback: 10-11 year

