The Dissemination and Communication Plan explains how the project will communicate its developments and outcomes, and how the consortium will ensure visibility of the project and dissemination of its results throughout its duration.
It provides a context analysis on EU commitment, an action plan and targets to attain the integration of solar heat in industries, as well as general and specific objectives of SHIP2FAIR dissemination and training activities. It identifies key stakeholder groups and establishes relevant messages for each target audience. It defines the branding and promotion tools, and the channels to be used, describing the methodology to be followed for carrying out and tracking each activity and their related timing while assigning roles and responsibilities.
The aim is to put in place all necessary measures to achieve the desired outcomes, guiding partners in the implementation of dissemination and training tasks through a coherent, structured and effective approach, and to constantly monitor activities to easily adapt their implementation if necessary.
The complete Dissemination & Communication Plan is available here